Specifications DCA Benchmark - Pork Cuts Price Mutations

DCA Market Intelligence reports every week the price mutations of Pork cuts. The specifications of this reference price are described below.

Product description


Price changes compared to last week for standard quality specifications of the contributor of:

Neck with bone
Neck without bone
Filet head
Lean pork cuttings


Minimum of one pallet


The price mutations refers to the value at which the contributor expects to be able to trade in that week from Monday up to and including Sunday in pork cuts as specified in this document.


Picked up within a week


Ex. works slaughterhouse Netherlands


Price mutations in eurocents

How the price input is collected

Price input (mutations) is collected on Monday until 13:30 CET. DCA Market Intelligence approaches contributors who are active in the market and in the area as specified in this document. The price reporters of DCA Market Intelligence enters their prices into the Price Reporting System with their possible market comments.

Input analysis, processing, and publication

The Price Reporting System calculates an average price from the price input of the contributors. This is calculated according to the following method. An average is calculated for all contributors. If a contributor's price change deviates by more than €0.10 (ten eurocents) from the average price change of that component, it will be eliminated from the range and not included in further calculations. A new average price change for that pork component is then calculated.

These amounts are the final price movements of that week and are rounded to whole eurocents. Volume is not weighted, and contributors do not enter volumes. The range of the price changes (highest price change and lowest price change) is determined after applying the above elimination principle.

The final price changes will be published for each pork component on Monday.

If the described procedure cannot be applied for any reason, the management of DCA Market Intelligence decides how the final benchmark of that week should be determined or it decides not to calculate a price mutation for that week and publishes this with a substantiation.

Version: February 2024